Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Easiest Way

Apparently Indian Government has banned Talk about taking the easy way out.
We do not arrest the known sympathisers within India for reasons of electoral politics.
We do not curb the illegal money channels.
We do not prosecute the organisations we blame for the attacks.
We do block a website used by few criminals and millions of innocent user because frankly its the softest option.
And then we complaint that the world is not being fair to us.


Anonymous said...

Well, the government wanted to ban some blogs, not the entire site!
Now if the ISPs can not do that, how can you blame the govt !?

But in any case, the govt should have beeen secretly tracking the peeps visiting those blogs and try to find them.. instead of banning the blogs.

If one blog is banned, a new one will open up. How many blogs will the govt police and censor!

DreamCatcher said...

Banning is not the solution. Anyways my blog shdnt be accessible but I am accessing it.
My point is that authorities make a pomp and show of the side issue and fail on the main trail spectacularly.