Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Friday, August 18, 2006

Something else

Feels good to be back after a long time. Its been almost 4 days since I put in a post and seems like forever. I stayed away not only because of work but also because nothing interesting seem to be happening. I did not want to post about politics again so soon and so stayed quiet.
Spent the last evening mostly home with a view to tucking in early for a change. As it turns out I ended up with an Odgen Nash in hands and so spent an evening reading poetry in his very unique style. There is something about poetry that I find perplexing. How do you define poetry. If its mere rhyming, then many a modern poet would fail. And I confess I do not enjoy many a modern poet. Then there is Nash who well just create words to rhyme (and with great effects trust me).
Haiku as a form does interest me. Maybe it is its simplicity that appeals to me. Basho was the poet I read first and truely enjoyed. A sample -
Clouds appear and bring to men a chance to rest
from looking at the moon. - Basho, Matsuo
Hand it to these Japs, both Haiku and Skodu - simple rules, great fun.

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