Just happen to listen to Simon and Garfunkel at Devil 's (of the tagboard). It was great listening to Scarborough Fair again. The first time I had heard this song was in La Luna - Sarah Brighman, a singer whose works I have adored for quite some time now. The lyrics are nice but I never though of the meaning.
The CD cover of Simon and G mentioned some dark meanings to the song. Well had no idea, so looked up, impresses me more as the usual love lorn than dark. La Luna I found dark. Heavy music, almost psychedelic singing, it is almost hallucinogenic.
While listening to S & G, I started thinking, why have I not really heard about rivalry between Simon and Bob Dylan. I mean why shoudn't there be rivalry between 2 comtemporary talent doing at times similar stuff? To confess, I have not really listened to Dylan or more importantly read him so this though is based on very superficial knowledge. Maybe I'll start now and figure out why is Dylan so important to the modern US poetry scene.
Hindi Literature in Mumbai
10 years ago
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