Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Easy Way again

I have this grouse that our authorities always take the easiest way out of any work. Some pub had a brawl late at night, police reacts by closing down all pubs/discs by midnight. Most eating joints are closed by 11, because apparently late at night there is a security threat. Instead of doing its duty of policing for crime, the police exists to ensure that denial of basic citizen rights can be enforced.
The same goes for other streams. Someone wrote a book, objective or not is debatable, on some figure or event that is critical of certain beliefs and we ban the book. Some student had a party and create rukus and so our housing societies ban students. We never 'solve' problems we simply wish them away. Rationality has taken a backseat.
Now comes this clincher. Karnataka government has in effect banned women from night shifts, though they have apparently done it in a way that employers are forced to do it( read the news in Indian Express. What they have done is that employers can be punished for keeping women in night shifts. Suddenly we have our own Taliban, women cannot work, cannot study (just wait, some molestation in a school and they'll ban schools for women too someday. its a logical extension of the same chain of thought). Here we are with our bloated Indian ego, of being cultured and liberals (rem, all Hindus are liberal) and this is why.
And this is really a societal problem not just of 'authorities'. All of us behave that way in real life. Its a pity that while we are feudal in outlook, we are too lazy to actually act like a King who rules. We just enjoy the power

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