Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Monday, April 16, 2007


Ever wonder we teach our kids in school - Napolean's campaigns in Europe, Mayan civilization, Calculas, Newtonian mechanics, predicting reactions of H2SO4, calyx and corolla, Tuglaq...
What we do not teach kids in school - how to drive safely in school, how to change an electric fuse, how to test for adulteration in milk, how to get rid of pesticide in vegetables by washing, how to prevent abuse, how to identify genuine currency...

Kids end up learning all of whats taught in school and lot more data in coaching/tuitions.
Kids never end up learning the surviving skills not by teaching/not by self analysis.

Updated 16Nov2007. Apparently the officialdom has finally realized that school education can serve some purpose in making life better. They are planning to teach good road habits in school now.

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