Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Abbot and Monk: In conversation III

Monk: Master the way of the world is tough
Abbot: What makes you feel so son?
M: Master there is so much sadness/cruelty/deprivation around. It is tough to be happy outside
A: And son if its sad outside should you be happy in the monastery?
M: Master now that you open my eyes yes its as tough here
A: So son you realize that the search for truth cannot come as an escape from the world. You have to live the world outside while still being in search for truth.
M: So master how do I reconcile my happiness in search of God to the sadness at misery around?
A: Is it immoral to be happy while being surrounded by misery?
M: I do not know. It sure looks selfish to be happy when around you are not.
A: So a poor child dancing with a puppy is essentially immoral?
M: Master it should not be so, its just a child
A: But a child is also human?
M: But it is innocent of the world. Its natural state is to be frolicsome
A: While innocence of the world may be a logical point, the misery for it is real. What is important is a natural state. Happiness is a state of mind, not of affairs. If you prefer being happy, be happy
M: Master, indeed I contemplate God and am filled with happiness.
A: Those moments you blank out the fog and get introduced to yourself. The way to happiness is to look inward.
M: will not people take it as a license to be selfish?
A: There is no harm in being selfish. But that is not the point that I make. Inward means that happiness need arise out of a 'cause'? Its the joy of life. Its about being one with yourself.
M: So I can be, climbing out of a chasm I fell into and feel wondrous joy at being able to come out. What if I am not able to come out and know it?
A: It can still be joy at being able to try climbing.
M: And if I am not able to try?
A: If there is no hope there is no happiness. He that has lost hope has lost it all.
M: Master I see light and it is joy.

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