Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Reasons Reasons

Just heard about this job application where the dude mentions - I wanna search for a girlfriend in ur country as a reason for applying to the job.
Cool. Wonder how many such offbeat reasons can be quoted for applying.
Common ones I can think of it -
  1. Commuting to this place is so much easier.
  2. Ah my favorite eating place is right across the street from you
  3. Mmmm the receptionist!
More esoteric ones could be
  1. God spoke to me and told me to go forth and make common cause with "your firm"
  2. Numerologically my name and yours just match
  3. Boy you are an incompetent bunch. My rapid rise to top is assured.
  4. My girlfriend is banned from entering your country. Hallelujah
  5. Doctors have prescribed complete break from work
... I'm thinking of more


Anonymous said...

I am bored and need entertainment?

DreamCatcher said...

Good thing you put a "?" after it.