Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The occasional disappearances

Its been an uncharacteristically long break from blogging for me. As promised earlier I get back now to update on some of the recent happenings in my own life.
Last month, I chucked my job of nearly 7 years and switched to another org, no not quite chasing the dreams yet but its a beginning. A change after such a long time is unsettling and that explains some of the delay in updating this blog. Alas my days of unemployment (the break in between) were only about a couple of days so the energy levels are still not recharged. Then there is the whole thought of getting the hut up to speed in offering all creature comforts to a harried commuter at the end of the day.
Meanwhile there are a couple of travelogues to pen down, including that trip to Seattle being asked about in this blog. They'll all come.
The big question is what can one do to recharge energy quickly? I am quite sick of traveling, the last year or so having turned out so hectic, still I will not rule out some pleasure trip. I have also picked up reading science fiction as bedtime reading, but that seems to generate more thoughts than rest - a bad choice. Food binges - ah yes thats more in my line, Pune as such offer an insane choice of eateries, but very few that serve good food. Maybe I should restart dancing. Hmmm. So the quest continues.
Cricket world cup has started and I had the misfortune of reading the fixtures list today. So that was what the commentators were discussing. What a lame collection of teams. The first decent matches start like in April mid. What the heck. This is supposed to be the WORLD CUP and half the teams in it as those that I till today morn didn't know, had heard of cricket! Way of increasing the game's popularity - what crap? Have a qualifying world cup and let em slug it out and whittle down to maybe 2 teams who get into the "real world" cup. The good thing about all this is that but the time the serious matched start, I might have accumulated a few leaves to actually be able to watch the decent matches.
Or I might save on those and wait till the UP elections happen. Now that has real potential for some entertainment more so since I don't live in UP any more. And while it may come as a shocker, I think I'd prefer Bahenji aka Mayawati to win. With the choice being Mulayam (all criminals+caste+minority appeasement) or Kalyan (temple - who cares- the hungry masses or the just robbed lady?), she at least seem to be doing decent politics. And politicians who don't do politics are well unprofessional.

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