Sex is poor man' entertainment as well as frustration and so there does seem to be some truth if they spend so many hours in bed and have no other means to relax. Ofcourse , no contraception and other factors add up. But i still wonder (we discussed this once on my blog) why when in bad circumstances should a species not cut down. Well Darwin's theory says that in greed of continuing itself it procreates even more. But then i have more questions, should survival of fittest not wipe out these species and the poor therefore. But then the rich of the world need the poor of the world to drive their cars, mend their shoes and plough their fields. Demand and Supply again save them , i wonder if the rich would perish otherwise the way carnivores would if they wipe out all their food.
I read a few statements to the effect of more children is sort of an insurance for a poor family especially a rural poor. It means more hands to work and in case of diseases a chance of genes surviving. So yes it is a species trying to counter harsh circumstances. Interestingly now that mostly starvation and diseases are not as great a killer as they once were, it means that the gene pool gets progressively richer with poor folks. IF and its a big IF, genetic factors also play a part in a person being poor then slowly we as a specie might loose the more competitive genes since rich and successful don't breed as much (Hollywood being an exception but maybe they aint the smartest genes around anyways :D )
@The Chef, I think this is one of the instances where rationality doesn't work. It is like the case where humans consume more calories even when they are aware that it's not good for their health.
@Fortune's fool, I think the steady upward progression of poor to middle and middle to upper class is an indication that Genetic factors doesn't play a major part in a person being poor. Now does this progression lead to betterment of the Genes?- not sure.
छाप तिलक सब छीन ली रे मोसे नैना मिलिके छाप तिलक सब छीन ली रे मोसे नैना मिलिके प्रेम बत्ती का मदवा पिलैएके मतवाली कर लीनी रे मोसे नैना मिलिके गोरी गोरी बय्याँ, हरी हरी चुरियाँ बय्याँ पाकर धर लीनी रे मोसे नैना मिलिके बल बल जाऊं में तोरे रंग रजवा अपनी सी कर लीनी रे मोसे नैना मिलिके खुसरू निजाम के बल बल जय्यिये मोहे सुहागन कीनी रे मोसे नैना मिलिके छाप तिलक सब चीनी रे मोसे नैना मिलिके
ख़ुसरो दरिया प्रेम का, उलटी वा की धार, जो उतरा सो डूब गया, जो डूबा सो पार.
Yes, this and the unavailability of protection mechanisms...I wonder whether there is any NGO which works for the later reason in villages.
Anyway, now nothing can be done! All one can wish/hope is, maybe population is to India's advantage as Kalam said.
Sex is poor man' entertainment as well as frustration and so there does seem to be some truth if they spend so many hours in bed and have no other means to relax. Ofcourse , no contraception and other factors add up. But i still wonder (we discussed this once on my blog) why when in bad circumstances should a species not cut down. Well Darwin's theory says that in greed of continuing itself it procreates even more. But then i have more questions, should survival of fittest not wipe out these species and the poor therefore. But then the rich of the world need the poor of the world to drive their cars, mend their shoes and plough their fields. Demand and Supply again save them , i wonder if the rich would perish otherwise the way carnivores would if they wipe out all their food.
I read a few statements to the effect of more children is sort of an insurance for a poor family especially a rural poor. It means more hands to work and in case of diseases a chance of genes surviving. So yes it is a species trying to counter harsh circumstances.
Interestingly now that mostly starvation and diseases are not as great a killer as they once were, it means that the gene pool gets progressively richer with poor folks. IF and its a big IF, genetic factors also play a part in a person being poor then slowly we as a specie might loose the more competitive genes since rich and successful don't breed as much (Hollywood being an exception but maybe they aint the smartest genes around anyways :D )
@The Chef,
I think this is one of the instances where rationality doesn't work. It is like the case where humans consume more calories even when they are aware that it's not good for their health.
@Fortune's fool,
I think the steady upward progression of poor to middle and middle to upper class is an indication that Genetic factors doesn't play a major part in a person being poor. Now does this progression lead to betterment of the Genes?- not sure.
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