Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sham Democracy

Manohar Joshi, the ex Lok Sabha Speaker in an interview post his book "1B" launch mentions that often passengers were too scared to talk to him when they realized that they were sitting next to a Shiv Sena MP. An MP (speaker of House of representatives no less) is feared because of which party he belongs to and that party is a registered political party! Speaks volumes about how our democracy has degenerated.

Another MP, cabinet minister and in charge of "human resources including education" swears that he pledged his loyalty to the family and will remain true to it and that is how he is judged. Please not, he does not mentions he pledged to constitution or to safeguard India's interest but of the "family". Does no one finds it odd that loyalty to a "family" and its rewards being ministerial births a slapping insult to democracy? Was this why people shed blood to liberate this country, why Patel and and Nehru worked to get the kings away from deciding citizen's destiny? If this is not an insult to us and our constitution than what is? But I am sure we will vote in the same people who will reward his subversion of democracy with more power.

Then we have our ackowledged security experts, our scientists (and those not dependent on political masters to continue in job) touting the nuclear deal, other defense agreements, oil pipelines only to have the political masters (including one who traveled in a Jet to Taliban, gifted them mangoes and lots of freed terrorists) citing Kalam's competence to judge the nuke deal? or left who opposed India's nuclear program but support's Iran and want India to support it no matter what the political costs?

Or Das Gupta of CPI who said Dalai Lama has insulted India by being political when the gentleman says he is not against China owning Tibet but want cultural genocide to end? His party and its ilk actually compared Tibet to Kashmir. As far as I know India is not illegally occupying Tibet tho China does have parts of Kashmir ceded to it by Pakistan. As far as I know Kashmir does not let rest of Indians buy land there while Tibet is probably now Han majority? Will the communists allow India to follow the same policy in Kashmir as China in Tibet (after all these are similar cases as per dear commies of India)?

1 comment:

The Soulforged said...

hey buddy...this is not a comment on this blog...u know how interested i'm in politix...

it was great catching up with u after all these years...felt like i was in a time warp!

do ping sometime...and check out don't write regularly though i intend to...someday...
