Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Monday, January 07, 2008

Lessor Crime?

The Times of India has this excellent piece by S A Aiyar that one must read and understand. To all those troubled by the fact that sometimes very illiberal parties get voted by educated people even is because the others are equally illiberal in India.
When the choice is between a murderer and a rapist who do you think has committed a 'lessor' crime?


Sejal Kikani said...

People who live outside can't judge this election thoroughly.. Its so easy to sit outside and judge things..i think there were many more reasons behind Win of BJP than just the communal mind of Gujjus..

DreamCatcher said...

I think the theme of the quoted article was that BJP didnt win because Gujjus are communal. It because communal is not an issue for Indians. And also the "secular" camp is probably more communal than BJP.

Anonymous said...

Well a murder can be comitted for many reasons - self defense, insanity, accident, deliberate.

While a rape really cannot be defended can it!

DreamCatcher said...

True. Still a view might say that that while its possible to rebuild life after rape, dead may find it impossible to do so.
The point of analogy is that given all alternatives sharing a terrible trait, u vote on alternative based on 'other' criteria.
Hence if all the parties are perceived to be communal majority will not factor in communal behaviour while voting.