Sometimes I wish my life had a erase/rewind button

Monday, October 22, 2007

Appeal to the Indian Prime Minister

You have served the country to the best of the abilities and I believe with its best interest at heart. Now that you know that something that you worked very hard for and know is in India's best interest, is being killed by ignorance, malice and incompetence. You also know that the same chance may never come again to allow gaining fuel, technology and strategic ties with those who matter.
Then is it worth to be remembered by posterity as someone who oversaw and tolerated the murder of a one in many lifetimes chance? Resign and retire gracefully. Let those who snatched defeat from jaws of victory to quote a cliche be the ones burdened by it in history.
After all national interest cannot be smaller than short term political interest, or is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Monk,
I completely agree with you, do not wish to be remembered as the remote control and pet of Left. However i am ready to live with the guilt that I was PM when Nuke deal was thrown out but not ready to live with the fact that i stepped down knowing well that next person might devoid this country of not only Nuc. power but much of economic common sense and politically correct international policies.
-through The Chef