Bundelkhand region, a place rich in history and tradition, has suffered a lot from apathy of political classes. The place had terrible education in most of it, hardly any industries tho some parts of it boasts of impressive agricultural production (Jalaun famous for it's mustard production also has the highest tractor density in India) but large parts of it are very poor . The reasons may be many and it also does not help to be parts of two different states (UP and MP) which ensured weak political representation in state capitals. So most of the region just about chugged on, mired in lack of education and industrial opportunity and bad politicians.
However in a delicious irony, the same supposedly illiterate masses have put up a test for vote seeking election candidates. Candidates need to take a written test that asks them about their awareness of local issues. The unkindest cut of them all being the candidates are expected to not merely rattle off facts but have to give their own analysis of the issues too. Heck our universities often do not expect analysis :). Boy that gotta hurt.
This is the kind of change that we want to see across India. People finally realizing the impact of their votes on their own lives and putting a value to the same. There are winds of change blowing across India. And contrary to what these retrogressive leftists and arm chair intellectuals may hold, the wind is not just rustling the top 0.2% of population, it is blowing through the long neglected hinterlands of India.
We still have hope.
Hindi Literature in Mumbai
10 years ago